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Friday, April 12, 2013

Oxford Empire Castle 옥스포드 엠파이어 성

Oddly enough, Oxford's Empire theme castles are perhaps better than the Lego Kingdoms stuff. Though this castle does not have a nice gate house and portcullis like the Lego set, I rather prefer this design overall. Not only does it have a nice tower, but a large central throne room for the king as well. It even has a bigger dungeon :P

And oh yes- it has better base plates!

These statues at the gate are great minfigs to have.

 The king doesn't look as impressive as his Lego counterpart, but that is to be expected. In any case, there is a nice variety of figures and equipment. Oxford loves giving weapons...
And the opposite side. This set also comes with a piece of siege equipment, but I forgot to get a picture of it before disassembling. I'll add it in the future if I remember.

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