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Monday, April 15, 2013

Lego Kingdoms: King's Carriage Ambush

I remember having the old Wolfpack Renegades set when I was kid. In fact, the pieces are probably still amongst my bag of old Lego back home... which I will hopefully remember to dig through when I'm back there. Anyway, that set was a horse, wagon, and some minfigs. It was cool.

Well needless to say that little thieves' wagon has nothing on this royal carriage set. It does seem a little too blocky at first blush, but it is quite presentable in reality.

The premise of the set is an ambush by the Dragon Knights in a forest. The trees honestly don't do much for me mainly because the booby traps are a bit cheesy. I would have preferred larger trees and maybe a wooden barricade. 
The king sits comfortably inside with his treasure. He might do better than to travel with a single bodyguard though.

For some reason, one of the Dragon Knights has a fish... Was he hungry? Or was it meant to show that they are dirty somehow? Or maybe I shouldn't ask...

Anyway, good set overall. Definitely satisfies my desire for medieval Lego transport :)

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