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Friday, April 5, 2013

Oxford: Cobra Combat Force II (옥스포드: 코브라 전투단 II)

Here is Oxford's Cobra Force II pack. Oxford's other military sets include APCs and helicopters, but I like tanks, so...

I was surprised by the complexity of the set. It is comprised only of the tank and jeep, but it took quite a while to get it all together. Sorting through all the bags didn't help much! Anyway, there are also quite a few minifigs and a ton of weapons and other equipment.
 I love this tank :)

I was surprised by rubber treads. They work very well and do not feel cheap.
And the jeep. Simple but sweet.

I would prefer if it was a little longer so more minifigs could fit inside, but as it is I use it to keep the extra equipment.

I might get the helicopter set in the future, but I'm content with this :)

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