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Friday, May 10, 2013

Pirates: Brickbeard's Bounty

Brickbeard's Bounty is a 2009 set, part of a limited Pirates theme revival a few years ago before Lego switched to Pirates of the Caribbean license sets. The ship has a similar design to the Black Seas Barracuda, but is noticeably smaller among other things (and under 600 pieces). This set does have a better colour scheme than the classic pirate vessels, and it feels very solid. Indeed, I think it has a certain majesty about it. I especially like the captain's chamber on this one.

I have a few minor complaints. There are only three cannons, and one of them is supposed to be positioned on the stern castle. Why not just have four cannons amidships as it should be? Why only two? Another thing is that there are no actual stairs going to the wheel. All it would take is a few blocks leading from the nearby mast. There is no crow's nest either! Finally, I do like the minifigs, but I feel that the ship needs a larger crew. And the sails! I hated putting those plug pieces on the ends of the flexible sticks. The other system with bulbous ends was more convenient.

Put a crow's nest on the damn thing!

Overall a very nice set to have to add variety to your Lego fleet, but not quite as good as the other big ships available (not counting the Pirates of the Caribbean stuff).

Here are some side-by-side shots with the "Bootleg" Barracuda.

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