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Friday, June 7, 2013

Oxford: Korean House 옥스포드: 한옥

Oxford has been releasing a number of traditional Korean-themed buildings lately. This set is a Korean house, properly called "Han ohk" (한옥). As you can see, there are two separate designs for the building included.
I really love this set. Korean architecture is really quite beautiful, and while this house isn't quite capable of doing the real thing justice, it does have fantastic aesthetic appeal. 

Relaxing with some tea outside... or is it makgeolli (막걸리)? ㅎㅎㅎ

The kitchen is cramped...

Calligraphy practice book

With the roof removed

I highly recommend this set. The roof tiles were slightly annoying to put together since the first pieces hang precariously on the edge until they are connected to the rest above. It was absolutely worth it in the end though. I didn't use all the stickers. Some of them were expected to be put over multiple blocks, and what kind of sense is that if you plan on taking things apart eventually?

There are couple of other Korean-themed sets that I have my eye on. I'll be getting at least one during the summer.  The blog will be quite slow for a few months as I have to save money for new sets. In addition to the Korean stuff, expect classic pirates, LOTR, and perhaps even new castle sets...

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